Thursday, September 29, 2011

WHAT the H?!?!

I keep trying to post comments on blogs and I keep getting this:

We're sorry, but we were unable to complete your request.The following errors were found:
Input error: Cookie value is null for FormRestoration
I've contacted Blogger but.....
I was able to comment on Nita's blog
I LOVE that Harvey!
but I really wanted to comment on the cute puppy photos of Rowie over at
Grrrr! I'm signing off and I'll try again tomorrow!


Nadia said...

Hmmmmm...... I have never had that happen to me. :( I am glad you liked the Rowie baby pictures. :D

yoborobo said...

Don't you LOVE helpful error messages like that? I just adore them. Like what in the heck am I supposed to do? Go to my magic manual and look them up? lol!! Just nod your head wisely and hope it all goes away soon. ;) xox Pam

Anonymous said...

I have just the same problems! Sometimes I can post as anonymos, sometimes as normal and sometimes not at all. But this happens only on blogspots blogs.

Have a great day!

Robin Kent said...

Wow! I get to leave a comment AND get serenaded by Elton John. Never had that happen before. Did you put him up to this? Now I can't leave because I want to play my harmonica with Stevie in the refrain!