You might need to sit down for this!
I hired someone!
I interviewed a girl on Monday and she seems very nice and very mature.
I think she must be in her early twenties but she possesses a sense of calmness and confidence,
She came in and I showed her the place on a Monday while it was still a mess from so many dogs going home.
Dirty kennels, dishes in the sink and laundry going and also in a big pile
and she seemed to take it all in and be fine with it.
She's going to work Friday nights and Saturday and Sunday mornings!
That's right!
I will have weekends off once she's trained.
I tried to remain cool and collected
But inside my head I was screaming and jumping up and down in JOY!
I then called the high school girl that had stopped in the end of last week.
I was hoping to have her cover a few evening hours when the other girl (who's given me so much trouble), ends up quitting.
Unfortunately the high-schooler said she already found another job.
I'm not so sure if I believe that because of the way she kinda hemmed and hawed but that's OK.
I'd rather her realize that she doesn't want to do the job before she starts
than have her train and then a couple of months in, quit.
Now with this new Hire and my other new perfect girl....
things will eventually work out.
It's a good thing because this last weekend about just did me in.
I was there forever trying to get it all done and I never got to leave on schedule.
Then this Monday rolled around and I had so many dogs that were going home and yet more coming in
that I felt like I was mentally going to lose it.
It was just too much for one person.
My friend from Sweden, Christer, had let me know that it's illegal in Sweden to work all work every day,
even if it's not a full day of work, without getting a full 24 hours off at some point.
So Monday when there was a bit of a break in the action I went up to the lab room where the vet techs were gathered in a group talking.
One of the head techs was standing in the group so I walked right up to her
and I said -
"It's ILLEGAL for me to work 7 days a week, I need some help, I need a day off, so figure it out!"
and I walked away.
So now I will have Wednesdays off for a while.
Later I interviewed this girl and suddenly it looks like things are going to finally fall in place.
Then I got a call from my temporary Saturday night help.
She had needed this coming Saturday night off and was wondering if anyone had volunteered to do it.
Of course no one would work it for her so I said I'd cover it, (although I already work Saturday morning).
She felt bad that I would be doing a double shift so she volunteered to take my Thursday this week!
That's right!
I am currently having 2 days off in a row!
Yesterday, Wednesday, the first thing that happened was that the power went out.
A transformer blew a few blocks away and 1800 people were without power, including me.
So I started cleaning house and rearranging furniture.
I got A LOT done.
I moved almost ever piece of furniture in the house and it looks like a new floor plan.
All my art supplies, table, shelving and desk are on the main floor.
Most in the kitchen area but some in the living room area.
I don't care that it's not traditional looking.
I don't want to have to pull out my supplies from upstairs, carrying them downstairs
and then worry about putting them away so that every thing appears like most homes.
My Art isn't going to be something that I TRY to find time for.
It's not going to be a hobby.
It's going to be a major part of my life
and taking center stage.
Finally the power came back on and I was able to go outside and cut the grass
(I have an electric mower)
Then of course I started transplanting some flowers and I planted a tree that I had found on big markdown.
Then I came inside and made everyone dinner and started laundry.
I still have housework to finish but I spent a big part of time catching up on blogs.
I'm feeling EXCITED
and I'm going to go full tilt on creating.
Paintings, prints, cards, calender's and COLORING pages!
(More on that later).
and Halloween and Day of the Dead pieces.
So many things to do! LOL!
But I'm pulling out of this funk and remembering that my job is not my life,
it's just my job.
I will always worry about my boarders but once I get the right people in place
I can relax and just go crazy with my Art.
And finally, I must say how APPRECIATIVE of all the support my blog friends here have given me.
Your invisible hands have held me up when I've been so tired
and your positive energy has cheered me on when I felt so beaten down.
Thank you so so so much!
You will never know how much I value your friendships!
Thanks for being there.