(Puss n Boots from Shrek 2)
Seems like lately all I do is talk about my dogs. Have I forgotten the name on this blog!?It's time for Equal Time for the CATS!
I want to bring up something that I as a cat lover am sure that other cat lovers know but don't talk about and that is if you talk too much about your cats, you are in danger of being judged and labeled as: The weird cat lady (or guy).
I think that television and movies especially kid movies are reponsible for alot of this negative feelings towards cats. When I was a kid, I wanted a cat in the worst way. I begged and pleaded for one. But my father hated cats. I remember in one argument when he said that he didn't HATE them he just didn't LIKE them. When I disagreed he said, "Hey, if I saw a cat while driving, I wouldn't go up on the sidewalk just to hit it". He thought that was funny. I remember thinking that you could LOVE someone but not always LIKE them.
And even though I longed for a kitty I was frightened of Siamese cats. I remembered how EVIL they were in the movie "The Lady and the Tramp". So if a cat worshipper like me could believe these movies, think of all those little kids out there, being brainswashed that cats are evil.
and that they are BAD LUCK, especially black cats.
(The following Black Cat info is from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_cat)
The folklore surrounding black cats varies from culture to culture. In Great Britain, black cats are a symbol of good luck. The Scottish believe that a strange black cat's arrival to the home signifies prosperity. Furthermore, it is believed that a lady who owns a black cat will have many suitors.

(Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff)
However in Western history, black cats have often been looked upon as a symbol of evil omens, specifically being suspected of being the familiars of witches; other cultures consider them to be bad luck as well. The gambling world is afraid of a black cat: it is believed that if, while traveling to a casino, a black cat crosses a gambler's road or path, that person should not go to the casino; most players believe that black cats bring bad luck. Other black creatures, such as black dogs, have shared in the prejudice and suspicion of being "familiars".
The black cat in folklore has been able to change into human shape to act as a spy or courier for witches or demons. During the Middle Ages, these superstitions led people to kill black cats. This had the unintended consequence of increasing the rat population and the spread of the Black Plague and other diseases carried by rodents. There is no evidence from England of regular large-scale massacres of "satanic" cats, or of burning them in midsummer bonfires, as sometimes occurred in Europe.(my cat - Harry)
However, the supernatural powers ascribed to black cats were sometimes viewed positively, for example by sailors considering a ship's cat in general and a black one in particular as luck for their ship. Sometimes, fishermen's wives would keep black cats at home too, in the hope that they would be able to use their influence to protect their husbands at sea.

and then the MYTH'S about cats:
That they will crawl into the babies crib and suck the life out of the baby.
Myth: Cats Steal a Baby's Breath

This superstition goes back to the 1700s. When babies died of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), people were quick to blame a cat seen lying in the crib. Today, soft toys, illnesses, a stomach-lying position have all been linked to SIDS — but not cats. Cats are drawn to cribs because they're warm, cozy, elevated places – perfect for a catnap.
And what about people thinking that cats are evil and bit for no reason.
Fact: Early Bonding Key for Kitty

Cats that are aloof or bite the hand that feeds them probably had no exposure to people in early life. Feline behavior experts say a kitten needs regular contact with people in the first seven weeks, or it may never bond with humans. Even five minutes a day in the early weeks will teach a kitten not to bite when the hand of a towering human lifts it off the ground.
Cats don't love you like dogs.

Fact: Cats May Love Too Much!
Behavior experts confirm that some cats really do experience separation anxiety when apart from a favorite person — and that's one reason a sweet kitty may pee on your clothes when you're at work. Other signs: the cat paces, vocalizes, or blocks the owner's path to the door. Left alone, she may vomit or be too worried to eat. For cats who love too much, behavior therapy can help – and Prozac.
Fact: Cats Kiss With Their Eyes
Cats communicate with a slow blink, according to feline experts. With their own kind, it's a peace sign, meant to put other felines at ease. Aimed at a human, this seductive blink shows affection, even love. People can return the love with a long gaze and slow blink to "blow a kiss" back in cat body language. The calming blink works on house cats, feral cats, and even tigers in the wild, according to behaviorist Roger Tabor.
So there....just a few things concerning cats, XOXO - Crazy Cat Lady Cindi