This has been a very long week. A sad week, but now is not the time to go into all that!
Instead, I want a distraction. I want to think about something fun! So I want to talk about decorating!
Last weekend, I went to that Double Baby Shower and it was very nice. The woman that threw the shower had added on to her home and done alot of remodeling and I just walked around in awe. It was just beautiful! I was envious, not jealous but just wishing that my home looked like hers. Then on the drive home I stopped at a Home Improvement store and just walked around.
But there are so many blogs that I follow where women do the work themselves and I can learn! Money is definitely an issue, Or should I say the lack of it but as one of my best friends always says "That just forces us to be creative!" and that's true. Lack of funds can force a person to search out Estate Sales and Goodwill stores and yard sales and sew and paint and create a home that isn't a cookie cutter of someone else's.
But full disclosure: if I ever won the lottery, I'd just order full rooms from Pottery Barn!
So...I'm going to spend this whole weekend inside my home working on making it lovely. Besides the forecast for the weekend is single digits! So! here's some photos for inspiration.
This first one, Hmmmm.....I'm thinking I could make some pillows out of muslin. and then paint them!
And these pillows, I know I have some old vintage white tablecloths somewhere. I could make some pillowcase shams and embroider them...I bet Martha Stewart's craft book could show me how to embroider.
I have a table very similar to this...I got it at Goodwill on 1/2 off furniture day. So it was only $20.00!
But I think I will paint mine WHITE!
And I have my estate sale finds. I don't have this but I have an old L C Smith typewriter!
(I bet Denise would want this!)
And I have an assortment of glass vases and cloches and I could make some cool terrariums!
(and I know Nita would love these!)
I could coffee stain some watercolor paper and hand print with a Sharpie some spice labels.
Ahhhh towels!..............gotta buy some of those!
I think these are lovely...sure I could maybe get some at an estate sale but.......No.
I get towels for wiping muddy paws but not for ME!
Kinda an ICK thing, at least to me!
Hope everyone has a fun weekend!
I know that I am going to be busy!
I'm so sorry to hear your week was sad. I do hope you did something fun for yourself this weekend. ;0)
It´s so fun really because I thought Pottery Barn only existed in the sitcom Friends :-) :-) :-) But I do like what I have been seeing from them.
I do hope Your coming week will be better than this last one!
Take care!
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