I'm sure you've heard people say that they need a painting for above their sofa, or over their table or whatever....
I guess that is how most people are.
Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) I'm just the opposite.
I find a painting or a some sort of piece of art (junk to some others)
and then I want to change everything in the room.
The wall color, the other paintings, the pillows and I need to move furniture around.
When I say move furniture around I don't mean across a room but all over the house.
I truly believe that just about every "piece" I have, has been in every room of my home.

I had an old serving cabinet that once stood in my dining room. But then I did away with the dining room and made it into my kitchen. So the cabinet went into the laundry room. I had a tray with detergents, bleach etc. on top of it and the fabric softener sheets were in one of the drawers and small rags in the other. I stacked towels in the bottom. Hmmmm, towels?
So I moved it upstairs into the bathroom and stored my hair brushes and curling irons and things in the drawers. I stacked towels in the bottom.
But then it seemed to eat up all the space in the bathroom. So I moved it down to the living room. I put the TV on top and the remote controls in the drawers. I stacked magazines in the bottom.
but then I rearranged again and moved it out to my enclosed front porch.
I put garden gloves in one of the drawers and tools. I stuck dog leashes in the other one. I stacked items that needed to be taken to Recycling Center in the bottom and that overflowed and started to be stacked on top....which made the porch look junky. Especially from the outside looking in.
So I moved it to the backyard, against the steps and put empty pots in the bottom and my garden gloves and my garden hand tools in the drawers. Then I set some potted flowers on top but I never got around to sealing it and it got wobbly.
So I moved it to the curb.
A hatchback car slowed down.
I waved farewell as the old guy loaded into the back.

I wonder where it is now?
So are you like me? Do You find a painting and build around it?

I ADORE this painting by Henri de Toulouse- Lautrec "Monsieur, Madame and the Dog" (1893)
I'm thinking of getting a print and hanging it above the bench in my kitchen....and then maybe paint the kitchen grey.....? Kinda the color by his knee.....

Grayson Sofa from http://seeingdesign.com/
I can't believe it...I've never seen that painting before. As far as painting the room. I totally believe in finding something you love like the painting and designing the whole room around it. I think this print would be the perfect inspiration piece and gray sounds perfect.
I liked the story of your cabinet. Cabinets like that are so versatile and I enjoyed reading how it traveled around your house...I didn't think it would end up on the curb however.
Cindi! LOL! I love the story of the cabinet. It served you long and well, and I am imagining another woman buying it and starting the process once again. :) I always buy art because I love it, without any thought as to where I am going to put it, or if I can afford to frame it. I buy furniture the same way, except for this one thing - I always ask myself "am I going to be extremely upset when the critters destroy it?" As opposed to just plain old upset. LOL!
PS We have snow and ice here, so I will be mailing Rupert to you probably at the end of the week -xox
buy art because you love it. paint a room a color because you love it. buy furniture because you love it. it all doesn't have to match, it will just work because you have found beauty it each thing.
the cabinet story was a good one!
Cindi, absolutely, that's what you do..it's your focal point and you build around that. The one I have hanging over my sofa is an Amado Pena, a Southwest artist, living here in the El Paso area now. But when I got the serigraph back in the early 80's, I got it because I loved his work and it was affordable still. I buy art, when I can, because I just like it and somehow, I always make it work.
My cousin lived in Paris many years ago and was an art dealer. This pretentious American man came into the gallery one day and told her he was representing some big celeb in Hollywood and he was looking for specific colours. He found a Chagall and wanted to buy it...she was so incensed by this moron, she told him it was not for sale and that perhaps he go elsewhere. He wanted the painting because the colours were what this person in Hollywood wanted...not the painting or the artist, but the friggin' colours!! LOL A Chagall for gawd sakes!!!
Anyway, I love ol' Toulouse....he also had quite a sad history....interesting little fellow and what at talent!
Have a great weekend, my friend.
I´m more like: Oh what a nice painting! I hope I can find somewhere tom hang it. That´s all that happens here, nothing changes just because I found a painting I like :-) :-)
Besides I hate moving around furniture's :-) :-)
Have a great day now!
Hi cindi i love this pictures!
You have very good taste as the master's painting.. it is so beautiful.
also leaning that you did very well in undoing of the shelf of drawers if she had already walked through the whole house and garden.. it is sign that she already accomplished the function and now it is the hour of doing another happy person.
I particularly don't choose pictures combining with the decoration.... it combines with the rug.... sofa.. quilt or be there what goes.
when I choose a picture for for in the wall why is it him I wake up an emotion.
Cindi, I love that big picture of that big crow. Have this thing for crows. hehe. Hey, I thought I saw you today with your big dog. I was on my way to the post office. Were you at a little house on 30th street in Rock Island? I saw that big dog and thought that I had seen him before and then remembered your blog. If that was you I live just down the street from where you were at.
Tammy, Yep. That was me and Blue! The tall skinny little
house....That's actually our house. I had gotten off early today from work and Blue and I had run to the Branch Library.
Small world!
:) - Cindi
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