Thursday, August 1, 2013

Watching the World Go By

So, with the super nice weather, I've been leaving the front door open to let the air in
and Blue likes sitting out on the front porch watching the world go by.
Tonight I hear him barking and I look out the window to see some guy walking in front of the house with a clipboard in his hand. He pauses, looks at Blue and goes on to my neighbors house.
Ha! I love it! I don't need a "No Solicitors" sign. I've got Blue! 


Nita Stacy said...

Love it!

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

Blue is just doing his job Momma! Good dog Blue! Peace, Mary Helen

An Urban Cottage said...

I could use one of those. I get someone stopping by about once a week wanting to sell magazines, or tell me about whales, corporate polluters, or human rights. They're good causes but you can't support everything.

Jan said...

Yep, the big guy is watching out for you!