Sunday, September 18, 2011


I had never learned how to scan photos.
As I attempted to clean, sort and throw away things around my house, I came across several boxes of old photos.
Of course I sat down and just kept looking and looking....
Time just FLEW by! Where have the years gone?
Some made me sad and some wistful.
God, I wish I still looked like I used to! LOL!
So I turned on my printer and figured it out.
Here's a photo of my Boo.
The cat that started it all.
I've been using my Harry for all my black cat images.
Needless to say, the house is still a mess and full of stuff that needs to be thrown away.


Anonymous said...

So nice to finalle see the old black cat Boo :-)

I have loads of old photographs as well but not the equipment to scan them in to my computer. Have a great day!

Robin Kent said...

Just figured out how to scan off my copier! They said it would be easy. Nothing technical is easy for me. But I did it. Scanning has potential as I now scan the room...