Saturday, October 6, 2012

F stands for.....

I said that I wouldn't complain about cooler weather.
I was SO sick of all the HEAT.
But right now it's 57° INSIDE my house.
I've been working some overtime and I finally have the weekend off.
I have BIG plans.
Yard work plans.
Taking all the air-conditioners out of the windows plans.
Spray painting some things outside.
Maybe even painting the front steps.
and the storm door.....
and here it is, 33°F° outside right now! at 7:15 am.
high for today?


An Urban Cottage said...

It was almost 80 here yesterday. And foggy. Very weird. But your cold is headed this way. If I make it through September without having to put the heat on I'm happy. Any heatless days into October are a huge bonus. I guess it's that time.

Good luck with all your chores.

Anonymous said...

We actually reached 53 here today :-) I'm having a fire burning in the stove and that'll keep me warm until tomorrow morning.

Have a great day!

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

It is cool here too...cuddle down babycakes! We are in for a cold winter...I think! Love , MHFS

Gillian said...

It's finally warming up here in Oz. Will scoot right past "lovely" and into stinking hot in a week or two. Boo.

Good luck with your weekend plans... sounds way too enthusiastic. If you get least get a COUPLE done I will be proud of you. I'm going to watch a car race and do nothing. SO lazy.

: ) x