Friday, December 2, 2011


So... I take some time off from the blogging world to get my head on straight.
I'm happy to report that it's no longer so tilted but it's still a work in progress.
In the meantime, so many posts have been written.
This evening I started trying to catch up and OMG!
The stuff that I almost missed.
Please RUN don't WALK over to Denise's blog -
and while I know she's a talented artist, I'm thinking the girl has found a whole new gig.
Check out her photographs!
Here are just 3! FABULOUS!


Unknown said...

Oh Cindi, this is just the nicest thing! Thank you so much for sharing my blog and photos with others. It really means alot and "thank you" just doesn't quite cover my feelings about it!

Cindi Myers said...

no! thank YOU!

Anonymous said...

Sand, water and wind can create the most fantastic patterns! I checked out her blog and I like her photographs! Made me wish I lived closer to the ocean again :-)

Have a great day and welcome back :-)


teddy bears Marin to Venice said...

FABULOUS Blog!!!!!!!