Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Logical Next Step

after my last post about my out of control garden?

Take a road trip with my sister to a Huge garden nursery!

I just went to look...
yeah, right. Who am I kidding?

So I bought these for the front yard:

and some plants for my back patio....

I've never really bought "SHADE" plants before,
but with the Weeping Willow tree and this huge overgrown shrub that keeps GROWING
AND my Wisteria is starting to take off too...
that leaves just a little bit of dappled sunlight back there.
I hope they survive.
I plan on making a hanging basket out of the these:

They had huge hanging baskets of them but they were $30.00.
Totally out of my budget.
So I bought smaller plants to make my own baskets.
I'm hoping to attract some Hummingbirds.
Here's a cool metal basket with burlap on the bottom:

I might try that. I have several metal baskets.
But this is what really sucked me in:

Crap. I thought I had resisted the growing trend.
But NO! now I want a Fairy Garden!
...I didn't buy any plants for the Fairy Garden for 3 reasons.
#1 No cash left.
#2 I want to sit down and plan it out.
#3 I need to FINISH my other projects before starting yet another.
(although I have finished my gate this weekend!)


Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

I dream of TIME to plant my little garden. Peace, Mary Helen

An Urban Cottage said...

I had a neighbor who's entire front yard was garden and even though it was full, she'd just dig a hole and cram more in. Her garden was the envy of the neighborhood.

But I'm with you. I can't go to the garden center without coming home wite more things to plant. I think it's looking great.

yoborobo said...

Going to a nursery is just the best outing. I am planning on soaking my husband and children for some goodies for Mother's Day - lol!! And the fairy garden - OMG. I want one! I wonder if the little house could handle the rain we get? We should be able to make one of these. I'm putting it on my list. :) xo

Anonymous said...

I've always felt that the most exiting plants we can find are the ones for shadowy places.
I have at least one basket like that somewhere in my garage and they tend to dry out way to fast, so I never use mine. But it is fun to make holes in that burlap and plant flowers on the wrong side of the basket. When the plants are fully grown it usually looks amazing (if one remembers to water them often often :-))

Have a great day!