Sometimes I am just amazed at all there is to know and learn in the Internet world. Everything I've done on the computer has been a real learning experience and a lot of hit and miss. I think I have FINALLY figured out my pixel problem. It's kinda like everything else- oh THAT"S what I need to do!- type of thing. I just stumbled upon how to do it and I hope I remember what I did. It's like the writing on the photo thing, Junker Jane emailed me some directions on how to do it and from that I also played around and figured out how to put fonts on my photos. Some people might read this and shake their heads at my simpleness. But I really do think that I learn in a different way than some people. You can give me written detailed instructions and all I hear in my head is humming. But if you physically SHOW me how to do something, I've usually got it- right off! But that's the problem. I have no one here to show me. In fact I have people who shake their heads and exchange smirks when I talk about it. No, NOT everyone, I do have some wonderful supportive people but unfortunately they don't know a darn thing about what I'm trying to do!
SO, I now have 2 Etsy shops (both empty) but I have them set up (sort of)
One is for my vintage stuff -
Someday I am going to have a physical shop of my own.They say LUCK is being prepared when the opportunity arises. I have a basement FULL of racks and fixtures and such for my shop. I have a mental picture of how it will look. The outside will be done in black and white and my logo is an old black cat. I want to have people feel like they have stepped out of their world and into a magical but quirky little hole in the wall.
I have the place picked out. I've talked about it before. It's a hair salon joint right now.
And while this is mean to say, they are not very good.
I went in there to scope out the place and they butchered my hair....of course MAYBE they knew what my real mission was and wanted to make sure I didn't return.

The shop is only 12 blocks from my house! I could walk or ride my bike to it!

It's situated between a Chiropractic place and a Irish neighborhood bar.
The area is called the Hilltop. There are other little shops like this Antique shop
And there's also a "collectibles" store, a Barber shop. a comic book store and a 50's Retro shop. On the other side of the street is a "Cool Beans" coffee shop and some other little shops.
Then you go down about 4 more blocks and it starts to get very commercial. But right after that the block becomes tree lined and about 6 blocks is my little skinny house. Two blocks before my home and one block in, on a brick street is my "I WISH" house. Meaning I wish I had that house! Of course I couldn't even afford the property taxes on it but.... sometimes I drive home though the back streets and I pretend I'm driving to (my) THAT house. It's even beautiful at night. Sigh..... Here's a photo of it.
You can't see the other side but the garage is attached to the house. It has a flat roof and you can pull into it but you can also drive out the back of it into the alley. I NEVER see anyone outside or actually any signs of life except it's always so tidy. One afternoon I was driving by and there's this elderly woman putting in some flowers by the hedges (you can't see the yard in the photo either but it extends down and is surrounded by hedges.) I wanted to stop and tell her how I loved her home but she just glared over her shoulder so I didn't stop. Yesterday I think it was her walking by my house as I was gardening. I said a cheerful "HI"! to her and she just grumbled and looked at my yard for a second and then walked on......Once again, I digress.
SO anyway! -
Then I opened another shop for my cat and dog art -
I have also started another blog by that name -
and I will showcase my cat/dog related creations there....BUT, as I created it I COULD feel the focus of it slipping away from me and it wanting to be ALL about THE dog. I will try to stay on task over there but, know! Then I'm reading this great book called The Handmade Marketplace by Kari Chapin and it talked about FLICKR. I thought to myself, Hey I got an account on Flickr, I I go check it out and DUH! I've been REALLY missing out! A bunch of my favorite people are over there! Pam, Magaly, Junker, Julia! I'm missing the party!I need to put my photos on there! And there's groups to join! Go get the dictionary and look under CLUELESS and there's a photo of me with a dazed dumb look on my face.

So I could be posting my creations THERE! and maybe let Blue just have the new blog! HA! Who knows maybe he would get a bigger following but I don't think he's very good at leaving comments. Wow...I could do a post called something like Simple Cindi, er, maybe that's what I should title this one but....
I'll let you all know when I finally put something in one of the shops!
And thanks for listening to my ramblings AGAIN!
Ooh... cat and dog art sound interesting... did you say your shops were empty? best go check..
I have the same problem with learning stuff.... written instructions is a waste of time, pictures, or someone showing me is a different ball game.
Talking of game, I'm doing an art doll giveaway and raising funds for our local Rescue the animals sanctuary, if you fancy a peek!
Best wishes
I'll be waiting to see you fill your shops up! I'm also on Flickr so look me up. And I'll drop by your new blog too.
I'm like you too, written instructions make me crazy! The world should come with detailed drawings or videos and I'd be all good!
Read your first post about Ghost... he is white too!! and my Ghost loves to drink from a dripping tap too.
I had a dog called Blue...and I wonder if our new rescued puppy Bernard has similar genes... they kind of look alike from the photo.
Oh, and if you're crazy... I definately am!!
Well, must get on, more cards to make :O)
I love your animals!!!
Are you in Portland Or? By any chance?
I am hoping for that hair shop to be your very own!!!!
My son is in social media and so I do get a lot of "advice" on networking...
Wheeew what just flew by my head...
Oh social networking ~: )
Pattee! - No, I'm in Illinois next to the Mississippi and Iowa is just over the bridge, It's called the Quad Cities and I live in Rock Island. (about 3 hrs or less from Chicago, depending on who's driving!)
Ok, we alls are waiting for the art to appear...can't wait to see it all!!
Sorry to hear about the hair cut. I think everyone has a story about bad haircuts. I was 10 when my mother dropped me off at my grandmother's in Juarez, Mex. just across the river from here. My grandmother took me to a hair dresser just a block away from her house. The woman almost sheered everything off and kept asking my grandmother in Spanish, "Now, Senora??" She didn't even look up from her newspaper and told to continue!! I finally told her enough!! We then went to my aunt and uncle's house across the street and I cried to my aunt about the lack of hair on my head. She felt sorry for me then took me back for a style...OMG!!!!! Some how the hairdresser ratted out this mess of tiny hair then, to add insult to injury, inserted a little blue bow in the middle of the nest!!! I was then taken home by the chauffeur back to El Paso and he even felt sorry for me. The wind was howling and the dust blowing which is usual weather in April so let's just say it was beyond a "hairsaster!!" I cried for 2 weeks!! Can laugh about it now!! LOL
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