Saturday, July 10, 2010

IT's One of THOSE days....

Ya know, when you have been waiting all week for your day off.
You have a HUGE list of To-DO's and you gotta get started on them.
You CAN'T waste your day just laying on the sofa. But some how all your motivation has vanished.

Sure, you're THINKING about what you need to do, but you just can't seem to start....


sassypackrat said...

Yeah I'm with you on this!

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Blue is so beautiful!

I´m having one of those days now. But it´s to hot to do anything anyway so I just enjoy the day and relaxes :-)
Have a great day now!

yoborobo said...

I love Blue. Sigh. :)

And here's what I think you should do: take a nap. LOL! Sometimes I take a 15 minute nap. I call it 'rebooting'. hee hee!

Agnes says to say hello, and that she loves the 2 black cats that live here. :) xox!

Georgina said...

I just love that ol' Blue...what a great dog!! I know what you mean about motivation..sometimes it's just worth getting your engines started!! LOL


Anonymous said...

I just love your photo's of Blue! He looks like such a sweetie!!!

I think NIADA is thinking of somewhere in California next year which would be better for me.. but lovely husband set this up for me : )

I would love to meet you!!!!

Sandy Mastroni said...

Hey ... Hi
About the birdbath thing > I always wanted to do it too , but I never took the time to figure out how to make it weather proof
I covered a bird house in stones from the beach
It looks great .... but it won't last outside
now that birdhouse is in the basement SOMEWHERE
If you figure it out let me know !

My Farmhouse Kitchen said...

what a beautiful dog...

and aahhhhh...louie and teddy look just alike....

aren't they the BEST !!!!

thanks for the kind words
it means alot

kary and teddy